4678 Isabelle St. • Eugene, OR 97402
Ph: (541) 359-3755 • Fax: (541) 982-2266
CCB# 172839
HMI OIT Design

Companies are discovering that the human machine interface (HMI) design is critical to every successful controls project which requires extensive graphical user interfaces and communication reliability. Get it wrong, the operator misses an indication and suddenly you lose production.
Communicate clearly and configure quickly. Those are the dual goals of human machine interface (HMI) design. Accomplishing those goals depends on the techniques you choose and the tools you use. The Automation Group, Inc. will provide you with the proper device for your industry, design and program all screens properly for your communications, implement the device within your organization, provide all service for this equipment and train your staff to operate the HMI device properly.
Our engineers have the depth of experience to produce graphical interfaces that are reliable, efficient and user friendly. HMI from The Automation Group, Inc. offers many other features that will give you the most efficient and effective operator interface for your application.
"I worked with The Automation Group's staff on construction of the Albany/Millersburg WTP. They had a strong client focus, super work ethic, were always quick to respond, and spent time outside normal work hours to make sure the project progressed smoothly."
Jeff Kanyuch
Senior Engineer / Ch2mhill